Supplemental reading for Batterer’s intervention Class
Refusing to be a Man John Stoltenberg
Men’s Work Paul Kivel
Helping Teens stop violence Paul Kivel
Keeping the Faith Marie Fortune `
Why Does He do that Lundy Bancroft
The Battered Woman Lenora Walker
The Will to change. Men, Masculinity and Love Bell Hooks
Pornography Andrea Dworkin
Pornography: Men possessing Women Andrea Dworkin
I Can Make My World a Safer Place Paul Kivel
Taking the Field: Women, Men and Sports Michael Messner
Healing From Hate Kimmel
Not My Father’s Son Alan Cummings
Susan Brown Miller
Andrea Dworkin
Katherine McKinnon
Franklin Abbott
The Hurried Child
The Battered Woman Leonora Walker
The Will to change: Masculinity and Love Bell Hooks
Man Up Jack Urwin
From Jim Crow to Jay Z Miles White
The Macho Paradox Jackson Ketz
Invisible Man; Got the Whole World Watching Mychal Denzel Smith
Why Does He Do That Lundy Bancroft